Below are our articles on the subject of Superfoods. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Disguising 'Superfoods' in your Child's Diet
Trying to get your child to eat fruit and vegetables can be an up-hill struggle but with these tips life can be made a little bit easier....

How to Boost your Child's Brain Power
The relationship between food and health is no secret in today's modern society but food can also impact on how the brain function as well....

Omega-3 Rich Foods and the Effect on the Body
Probably the most well known of the superfoods, omega-3 essential fatty acid is known to have several benefits on health....

Superfoods on a Budget
Planning your meals for the week when you work and are on a tight budget can be a daunting event in many households but by planning your meals carefully and taking…...

The Hidden Benefits of Berries
They are sweet, they look beautiful, they can be grown at home and they are versatile so there is no excuse why we shouldn't be trying to increase the amount of…...

The Myth of Superfoods
So-called superfoods are foods that are supposed to have particular health-giving properties based on their high levels of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, such…...

What are Superfoods?
The term superfood is used to describe the types of food that are extremely beneficial to health. Food experts however are now concerned that the term is over used,…...