Babies & Nutrition...
Below are our articles on the subject of Babies & Nutrition. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Can You Be Vegetarian or Vegan and Breastfeed?
Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies, and the World Health Organisation recommends breast milk as the only source of food for babies for the first six…...

Combining Breast and Bottle Feeding
Combining breast feeding and bottle feeding is possible, though the transition is easier if your baby is six months or older....

Expressing Breast Milk
Expressing breast milk is something that many women do for a number of reasons, but mainly because their baby continues to reap the benefits of breast milk without…...

Methods of Sterilising
As babies are born with underdeveloped immune systems it is necessary to sterilise their feeding equipment if bottle feeding is the chosen method of providing your…...

The Art of Successful Breast Feeding
Breast feeding should be an enjoyable experience so make sure you know exactly what to expect and how to make it everything you hoped it would be....

The Breast vs. Bottle Debate
Breast feeding and bottle feeding each have their own benefits and disadvantages and by knowing a bit about these, you can make a more informed decision of how you are…...

When is the Best Time to Start Weaning?
Weaning your baby should be an exciting time and a milestone in your baby's young life, but judging when to do it can be tricky....

Why Buy Baby Food? Tips to Make Your Own
Baby food in tins, jars and packets is convenient, but it can work out rather expensive. Making your own baby food is a lot cheaper, and with a little planning, won’t…...